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  • Victoria Paul

Spread Christmas joy to the people who are most important to you!!!

Updated: Nov 14, 2021

November is the long and most unpleasant month

of the year... except for Black Friday that will

delight you with gifts and discounts. Rest of it is

gray, rainy and cold days ...

But Christmas is just around the corner.

Christmas is the brightest and happiest time of the

year! Yes, we have grown up and do not believe

in Santa, but this does not mean that Santa does

not believe in us and does not remember us ;)

It is likely that he, together with elves and

reindeers, are actively preparing gifts for you and

making his list (and checking it twice), though

much as when you were a child it won’t matter it

you were good or bad. Because Christmas is the

brightest and most joyful holiday of the year!

We are all seeing Santa everywhere these days,

and remembering what it was like when we were

a child.

Imagine the emotions when Santa brings a gift to

your loved ones - a smart bouquet!

Be it mom and dad, who are already well over 50!

Believe me - they will be very happy with this gift!

This will stir up their deeply hidden memories of

the happiest holiday of the year in childhood.

Your colleagues will also be very touched by this -

after all, they were once a child too and believed,

sincerely believed in Santa!

Well, I think its not worth commenting on the

children;s reaction: the children will jump with joy

and they will always have the brightest memories

of this day!

You will also have pleasant memories: in the pre-

Christmas bustle you will have a lot of worries, but

asking Santa to deliver a smart bouquet will cost

almost no effort and nerves: just a few clicks on

your smartphone.

Santa will deliver your smart bouquet around

Montreal and the surrounding area for free!

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