Each bouquet contains an assortment of 10 items + a surprise.
The price of the bouquets varies depends on how much variety and quality you would like? We are offer few options in our “PERSONALIZED Bouquet” Collection: https://www.floristvp.com/personalized-bouquet
How to design your own bouquet with a special person in mind, and create it according to their tastes?
Step 1 :
Please answer few questions and we can create a custom arrangement that’s perfect for you:
1) Is there a theme for the bouquet, or can you let me know a few items that would really personalise this bouquet?
2) Do they have any allergies, and/or are their items that should be avoided?
3) What is their favorite flower and/or colour?
4) Are they vegetarian?
5) Do they like spices?
6) Variety or quality?
7) Size of bouquet: S, M, L
Send your answers and comments to:
The more information I know about her/him , the better the surprise and WoW effect will be!
Step 2 :
When you order, please in the notes section write all details - recipient name, delivery address, desired date/time of delivery . Don’t forget to write text what you wish her/him received from you, as we always attach a card along with the bouquet. If you have any questions, ideas or concerns let me know please.
You are the bouquet maker when you build a bouquet! You can create a bouquet all your own, expressing your style and taste, when you choose your own blooms and design your bouquet yourself.
Pick your favorite colors and sweets, flower varieties and let our florist design a unique bouquet that is suitable to your taste.
We can add or replace any ingredients from our standard bouquets.
When you create your own bouquet, you are in control.
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Free delivery in the Greater Montreal Area.
Orders must be placed a minimum of 3 days in advance.
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